Transferring a .NZ domain name to or from your Ramsu account is easy to via our Control Panel tools, and free (as long as the domain you are transferring is active and not expiring within 1 week)
Steps to transfer a .NZ domain into your Ramsu account:
- Request a UDAI (Unique Domain Authentication Identifier) from your existing domain provider.
This is a randomly generated string that acts as a key to your NZ domain. - Log into the Ramsu Control Panel –
- Visit the ‘Domains’ section, and then ‘Transfer Domain’
- Follow the transfer domain wizard
Steps to transfer a .NZ domain from your Ramsu account:
- Log into the Ramsu Control Panel –
- Visit the ‘Domains’ section, and then click on your domain name
- Go to Generate UDAI, and follow the instructions on generating a new UDAI (required to transfer your domain to another provider)
Last Update: February 4, 2019
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