Knowledge Base

Renewing Domain Names

NZ Domain Names

NZ domain names can be renewed at any time, including up to 90 days after they have expired or cancelled.

When a NZ domain name expires, there is a 90 day grace period after the expiry, and you can still renew (un-cancel) the domain during this time.
However if the domain is not renewed during this grace period, the domain will be cancelled and released back to the public for anyone to register.


International Domain Names (e.g. .com/.net/.org/.biz)

International domains can only be renewed while they are active, as there is no grace period like NZ domains.
Once your international domain expires, in theory anyone in the world could register the domain and take it from you.

Therefore we recommend to renew all international domains at least a few days before expiring.


How To Renew a Domain

To renew any domain name:

  1. Log into the Control Panel:
  2. Go to the ‘Domains’ section
  3. Click ‘Renew’ beside a single domain you wish to renew,
    OR, tick the box beside multiple domains to renew, and click on the ‘Renew Selected Domains’ button
  4. Select the renew period (1 – 10 years)
  5. Select a payment method
  6. Confirm the renewal, and an invoice will be generated – if you selected Credit Card payment, you will be transferred to the Paypal site to make payment.

Domain names are only renewed once payment is received:

  • Credit card: instant renewal
  • Bank Payment: renewed once payment clears into our account


Domain Name Pricing

Domain name pricing can be found here.

Last Update: November 2, 2018  

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