Knowledge Base

Free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates


All websites created on our managed servers support free Let’s Encrypt SSL Cerficates.

Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority that provides certificates for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption at no charge, valid for 90 days.
Our servers automatically manage the renewal of these certificates.

How to Enable Free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate

You can easily enable the Free SSL certificate for any site, via our control panel tool:

  1. Log into your account via the Control Panel:
  2. Navigate to the Websites section
  3. Click on a specific website
  4. Under Website Options, you will find an option for “Free Let’s Encrypt SSL”, where you can enable or disable it
  5. Confirm the change

The process will take approximate 1-2 minutes and then your website will have a new free SSL certificate, that is automatically renewed.

Note: if your domain is not yet live, or not pointing to our servers, the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate will fail to generate.

Certificate Renewal

As mentioned above, these Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates do not need to be renewed like previous standard SSL certificates, as our servers and managed processes take care of the automated renewal.

Last Update: October 5, 2018  

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