Knowledge Base

How do I transfer a .NZ domain?

Steps to transfer a .NZ domain into your Ramsu account:

  1. Request a UDAI (Unique Domain Authentication Identifier) from your existing domain provider.
    This is a randomly generated string that acts as a key to your NZ domain.
  2. Log into the Ramsu Control Panel –
  3. Visit the ‘Domains’ section, and then ‘Transfer Domain’
  4. Follow the transfer domain wizard

Steps to transfer a .NZ domain from your Ramsu account:

  1. Log into the Ramsu Control Panel –
  2. Visit the ‘Domains’ section, and then click on your domain name
  3. Go to Generate UDAI, and follow the instructions on generating a new UDAI (required to transfer your domain to another provider)

Last Update: February 4, 2019  

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